CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software

Our team has developed for а client CRM Software with the following distinctive features:

  • Optimization in servicing of already existing clients;

  • Accelerating and improving the process of converting potential customers into real ones;

  • Increasing of real income and profits;

  • Improving of customer targeting and marketing;

  • Secure storage of customers data;

  • Analyzing the customers feedback.

These conditions are the basis for success of any company with the goal to be a leader in its field. And the good management of customer relationships has to be a key point in the strategy of any company.

The CRM software of "DiGital Software" improves customers service and promotes collaboration with all contractors, thanks to the development and accessibility of technologies and capabilities for integration with databases and other already functioning software applications. Our CRM optimizes both internal business processes and individualized relations of the company with external counterparties.

The implementation of the CRM system has the following benefits for our clients:

  • Optimizes the efficiency and the time for taking strategic business decisions;

  • Increases the benefits;

  • Easy access to reports and analysis;

  • More effective marketing campaign;

  • Easily overview of successful promotions;

  • Optimizes the correspondence with the partners;

  • Processes big database more easily and efficiently.


CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software